Everyone should consider having insurance, because sometimes our health can be damaged for various reasons and in these cases it is best to have an economic support that allows us to have timely care and all the medicines we require.
But, have you ever heard about emergency insurance? As its name suggests, it is precisely an insurance that is aimed at covering emergencies, which are unforeseen situations where every second is vital and, in these cases, a quick assistance is necessary. So, this time we will show you everything you should take into account to know how to choose an emergency insurance so that you can have an economic support for your welfare.
What does emergency insurance cover?
Everything that is required to deal with a medical emergency of any person, including ambulatory and surgical expenses, among which we can mention:
- Medical fees
- Medications, tests, imaging services and other procedures necessary to treat the emergency.
- Emergency surgery, operating room, intensive care, intermediate care and recovery room.
- Conventional or acrylic casts
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation
- Hemotherapy, including blood compatibility tests and screening for infectious diseases.
As you can see, this type of insurance must have everything necessary to deal with an emergency, but depending on what is offered, each particular insurance company may add or exclude some services, so it is always necessary to take it into account when contracting this type of services.
Regarding coverage, it will depend on each particular insurer, and it varies according to each region. But generally it covers an emergency surgery. The insurer may also offer different plans, the more expensive the plan, the higher the coverage should be.
On the other hand, it is very important to be aware of the insurer’s exclusions, since sometimes there may be exclusions in the case of, for example, having had a car accident under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, it will always be of great relevance to know the insurance exclusions, which although they are usually reasonable, in some cases it may not be such a good option. So, it is worthwhile to compare the exclusions with the benefits and the coverage so that you can know if it is really convenient for you or not.
How can you choose an emergency insurance?
Of course, emergency insurance is a very important service that you should have, because you never know when you might need it. It is always better to have this type of service and not need it; but in case you need it, it would be a great relief to have it.
Generally, at the moment of contracting this type of services there are different plans, equally this will depend on each insurance company and each region. But the first thing you should take into account when comparing one insurance company with another is the premium, which is the amount of money you pay (monthly, quarterly or yearly) for health insurance. In addition, it should be clear that this is a fixed expense, so even if you do not use the insurance, it should still be paid in order to be active when you need it. It is important that you compare among insurance companies the relationship between the value of the premium and the services offered in case of emergency.
How can you choose an emergency medical insurance in the USA?
If you are in the USA and you want to know how to get an emergency medical insurance, just contact any insurance company. The good news is that no matter if you are an immigrant or not, you will still have the possibility of having a medical insurance in the USA. In the government website, you will be able to clear your doubts about the health plans available and the coverage they offer, even in emergency situations.
One of the best options is International Student Insurance, which is an option aimed at students, as it is an emergency insurance that only applies to those who study in the U.S., whether they are U.S. citizens or foreigners.
Emergency insurance does not cover medical urgencies.
But first you must keep in mind that the assistant physician is the one who will determine if it is indeed an emergency condition or not. If it is not considered an emergency, then it will only be treated as a medical urgency, which should be covered by your traditional health insurance or by your personal finances. So, you should be clear that a medical urgency is not covered by emergency insurance.
In addition, you must remember that there is a maximum time limit to notify the emergency, usually within 24 hours from the moment it occurred. However, this is a point that you must clarify with your insurance provider, as it may vary in each company, as well as in each region according to the laws of each country.
But, how can you differentiate an emergency from a medical urgency? You must be clear that a medical urgency is that moment in which a quick assistance is required, but it is not a vital situation. Therefore, if the patient is not assisted immediately, it does not represent a risk of death; while a medical emergency is one where every second counts to save the patient’s life, waiting is not an option.
Likewise, in order to avoid having any problem at the moment of being assisted, it is important that you get information from your insurance provider about the exceptions or exclusions. Also, remember that you must duly pay the emergency insurance, otherwise, it is likely that the insurance will not cover the expenses generated by your emergency, since in these cases the service is usually suspended automatically depending on the time elapsed from the moment of expiration.