Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about diversity and inclusion, but some people confuse both concepts as if they were the same thing. So this time we will show you what diversity and inclusion are, some examples to make them clear and then show you some tips on promoting diversity and inclusion. In many places, these concepts are put into practice; however, there are some things to improve.
What are diversity and inclusion?
Diversity is defined as all those common and different characteristics that we have with each other, considering what is visible as well as what is not visible to the naked eye. But what characteristics are included? Everything is included, such as age, disabilities, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, gender, social environment, and so on. In short, anything that is part of a person.
Inclusion is about creating an environment where any type of diversity is included, so that everyone can be heard and taken into account no matter how different they are. So, it is an environment full of equality and opportunities where distributions and accesses are made with equity.
Diversity and inclusion in society
Inclusion is something that can and should be applied in any field, either work or academic. After all, we are in a civilized society where we adapt perfectly to diverse environments, and intellectual knowledge is more valuable than any other physical aspect.
However, in some cases inclusion is misinterpreted as thinking that “everyone can do the same thing”. Of course, there are people who are physically stronger than others, just as there are those who have better skills in specific areas. Thus, taking the physical conditions into account, it seems almost impossible to include everyone. For example, you can’t ask someone to carry a 70 kg box when they can’t even carry 20 kg; just as you shouldn’t ask someone who weighs 100 kg to practice ballet when this would hurt their knees.
Nowadays, it can be seen how diversity and inclusion give opportunities to each and every person to do what they want to do and to develop in the area they prefer. So, we can really do whatever we want. But what if our body does not help us? Then we need to make a little more effort if we really want to.
On the other hand, in the academic and work environment, a great diversity of people can be seen, so this is definitely a concept that is being taken into account. Of course, there are always aspects to enhance. However, it is in the social sphere that the concept of inclusion must be definitely improved.
How can we promote diversity and inclusion?
It is not just a matter of some leaders or business owners starting to make changes, but it is mainly a matter of how the common citizen acts. Ideally, diversity and inclusion must be taken into consideration and respected all day long at all times.
For people who do not suffer from any type of disability, it is very easy to adapt to any place. However, for those in wheelchairs, blind people, elderly people who require the use of a cane, mothers who carry their baby in a stroller or any other person with a disability, they do not always have an environment that allows them to feel comfortable. So, in these cases some decide to isolate themselves; while others invest more money in things, services or systems that facilitate their adaptation; as well as those who simply tolerate the circumstances.
Of course, the problem is clear, but how can we promote inclusion in society? It could be a project that really includes all people, that is, absolutely all possible users. But this is not new, as in fact, there is this type of inclusion in some places. For example, you can see handrails that have the Braille reading system.
Finally, education from an early age cannot be left aside, for example, we must teach children not to point at someone because they look different. In this case, the best thing would be to include that person, treat them as anyone else and motivate them to join a social group. So, inclusion should be started as early as possible to get better results. When someone has the opportunity to grow up in a culture with these characteristics, it is much easier to apply it and teach it effectively in adulthood. Thus, education is the key to civilization.